Badr: .Net Web Framework

Simple, Database-driven, Multiplatform, .Net web framework


A collection of code in C# ranging from ActiveRecord, CSV, Configuration, Logging, Domain-Models, Repository, Authentication, Command-Line Parsing, HolidayCale

DevFx (7,0 MB)
A helpful development framework (DevFx), which includes the module functions: configurations, ioc, data access, logging, cache, security access control. It’s effectual and quick to develop a new business system. 具有配置、基于配置文件的IoC、基于配置SQL的数据访问、日志、异常、缓存、权限控制等各业务通用的多层统一开发框架,为业务管理系统的开发提高了速度和效率。 DevFx是一个开源的开发框架,主要特性包括IoC、数据操作(类iBatis)。 DevFx是Development Framework的缩写,意思是统一开发框架。


.communities is an AJAX-enabled, multi-user content management system that allows for an individual or an ISP to quickly create and administer a collaborative website such as a club site, a user group site, or a news site. Based on the popular source code of the original Community Starter Kit (CSK) released in 2003, it has a number of standard content modules and supports multiple site/url configurations via a single database. .communities contains all the features that you would expect to find in any other Web 2.0 application; HTML content, Wikis, Blogs, Discussions, Photo Galleries, RSS Newsfeeds etc. as well as a plethora of advanced configuration options and settings. Out of the box, .communities has everything you need to create and manage most types of site - its easy to use and runs on a core framework that can be fully customised if required.

EngineX (1,4 MB)
umlungu's EngineX Web Framework

Flux.NET Content Management (14,7 MB)
Flux.NET CMS is a content management solution and web application framework. Flux makes it easier for developers to create dynamic, user controlled web sites and applications with comprehensive features like workflow out of the box.

MvcContrib: an Outercurve Foundation project (93,9 MB)
This project adds additional functionality on top of the MVC Framework. It is written in C#. Founded by Eric Hexter and Jeffrey Palermo.

My Web Pages Starter Kit

My Web Pages Starter Kit is a simple yet powerful file based content management system for small websites.

Pegasus Library (3,3 MB)
The Pegasus Library is a collection of .NET classes that augments the .NET framework with helper classes and services.

SiteUnity Framework (5,9 MB)
SiteUnity Framework makes it easier to build website. The target of framework, write less and simple code to build complex website. For that purpose there are some modules for viewing and managing page. It's develop in Asp.NET using C#, Mssql and Jquery.

Web开发架构 (6,6 MB)
WebADNuke!(以下简称ADN),是基于Asp.Net平台、采用面向业务模块技术实现企业级B/S结构应用开发、运行、管理、监控、维护的中间件平台。它将.Net体系规范、开源技术、跨数据库技术和面向业务开发技术的完美结合起来,为企业级Web应用系统的开发带来了卓越的价值: 统一的企业级应用平台 快速响应新的业务需求 系统高度的稳定性 方便的系统维护和监控 保护已有的软件投资 降低开发人员的技能要求 人性化的操作风格 降低人员流动风险 ADN是Web2.0开源技术体系基于Asp.Net平台的完整实现, 是用于Web业务应用开发而生的.

patterns & practices Web Client Developer Guidance

The Web Client Guidance from patterns & practices, assist developers and architects with the design, development and deployment of Rich Responsive Web applications using .NET.